Serving meals to seniors
Serving meals to seniors. Courtesy Serving Seniors

The grocery store is the place Americans feel the impact of inflation on their daily lives the most. Who hasn’t encountered the sticker shock at the register recently? In a November 2023 survey by Yahoo Finance/Ipsos, two-thirds of American voters say higher food prices have hit harder than any other category by a wide margin. 

Rising prices at the grocery store hit low-income consumers hardest, because they must spend a much larger share of their income to afford the basics. No one has been hit harder than low income and homeless older adults already struggling to meet their basic needs. One in ten San Diego County seniors reports food insecurity. 

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It’s easy to see why. The average monthly Social Security payment to 65-year-olds in 2024 is $1,505. But if you claim Social Security at age 62, the earliest possible age, your income is closer to $1,300 each month. For most beneficiaries, this is their only source of income. 

Think about what you pay for housing, utilities, and transportation in San Diego County. Imagine how little is left for food. 

According to the website, as of May 2024, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in San Diego, CA is $2,271 per month. This is 50% higher than the national average rent price of $1,515/month, making San Diego one of the most expensive cities in the US. A studio apartment doesn’t save much at $1,960 per month. 

When we think about our older neighbors at Serving Seniors, the first thing we consider is food. 

Serving Seniors is the single largest provider of meals to San Diego County older adults since its inception in 1970, and home-delivered meals for over 30 years. Last year, we provided almost 1.4 million meals. Serving Seniors feels privileged to serve our clients, and we have the capacity to serve many more. Still, we are dismayed at the ongoing and growing need.

May is Older Americans Month. Serving Seniors is enthusiastic about this year’s theme, “Powered by Connection,” which recognizes the impact meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. We work to connect with older adults in order to combat isolation and support healthy aging and independence. 

As people live longer, low income and homeless older adults continue to struggle with their everyday needs even as their numbers rise. At the most basic level, the Serving Seniors team works hard 365 days a year to ensure no older adult goes to bed hungry. 

Our Nutrition Program staff manage our program starting with information on dietary restrictions or health challenges. Menus are developed monthly in collaboration with County of San Diego registered dieticians, and meal-preparation contractor Trio Community Meals. 

All meals are prepared fresh daily each morning in the Serving Seniors Potiker Family Residence kitchens in the East Village. Meals are served in six congregate dining room settings. The largest is the Serving Seniors Gary and Mary West Wellness Center at Fourth and Beech Streets in downtown San Diego. We also serve meals in City Heights, East San Diego, Oceanside, and recently began meal service in Imperial Beach. 

To those of us who work with San Diego County’s most vulnerable older adults, a meal is much more than a simple plate of food. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, loneliness and social isolation in older adults are serious public health risks affecting a significant number of people in the U.S., putting them at risk for dementia and other serious medical conditions. Offering socialization over meals is a vital part of the Serving Seniors mission to keep older adults healthy and better able to avoid homelessness. 

Once a client starts receiving meals, a Serving Seniors case manager meets with each person to determine whether any other services or resources might benefit them, providing an additional outreach opportunity to low-income and homeless older adults. They can access healthcare, exercise classes, walking groups, and civic engagement. Not only do our fresh, nutritious meals provide the basic building blocks of healthy aging, our lively dining room service feeds the soul as well — 365 days a year and free of charge.

For homebound older adults, Serving Seniors drivers deliver meals to homes on 26 delivery routes throughout the county, as well as distribution hubs in Oceanside and in the South Bay area of San Diego. Deliveries take place Monday through Friday, with additional meals provided Thursday and Friday to cover the weekend. 

Serving Seniors is about to hit a milestone we never imagined. Later this summer, we will serve the 20 millionth meal. We will keep serving meals until no older adult goes hungry. If you or someone you know could benefit from our services, please visit our website or call us at 619-235-6572.

Paul Downey is CEO of Serving Seniors, a San Diego-based nonprofit that helps seniors in poverty live healthy and fulfilling lives.