Government leaders with first trolley
Mayor Todd Gloria (left with Sen. Alex Padilla and Supervisor Nathan Fletcher outside the trolley. Courtesy of the mayor’s office

Sen. Alex Padilla joined San Diego governmental leaders Tuesday in taking the first ride on the southern end of the nearly complete Mid-Coast Trolley extension to University City.

Padilla was joined by San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Tijuana Mayor Karla Ruiz MacFarland, and SANDAG Chair and Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear.

The short trip took the group from the new Tecolote Road station past the Clairemont Drive station to the Balboa Avenue station, the last of the new stations in the Morena area before the trolley line crosses Interstate 5 on its way to University City.

“Excited to take a first ride on the Mid-Coast extension of the Blue Line trolley!” tweeted Gloria. “When this route is fully operational this fall, it will open up new connections to education, healthcare and job centers in the University City area for residents across our region.”

The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System is currently running test trains along the nearly completed $2.1 billion, 11-mile extension in preparation for its full opening in November.

“We’re glad to have our U.S. Senator with us today,” MTS tweeted. “This project would not have been possible without partnership from the federal government.”

To support the new service, MTS has purchased 45 new trolleys and added 128 new positions.

On Saturday, the public will be able to take the same tour as part of a special community celebration from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets for the special trip can be reserved online.

Chris Jennewein is Editor & Publisher of Times of San Diego.