Watch your ride: New research reveals that a staggering 1,001,967 vehicles were stolen in the US in 2022, with California ranking among the top five states with the highest rate of vehicle thefts overall.

Some key takeaways: 

  • California is the state that has the third-highest rate of vehicle thefts – with 14 out of every 1,000 registered vehicles stolen
  • The top 10 states with the most stolen cars saw a 13% rise in vehicle theft last year, the data reveals
  • The Chevrolet Pick-Up was the model most commonly stolen with 48,206 thefts, closely followed by the Ford Pick-Up, with 47,999 thefts 

Data obtained by the National Insurance Crime Bureau and analyzed by the vehicle history check platform carVertical reveal an alarming upward trend in vehicle theft, and what specific models are most likely to be stolen.  

carVertical found that California has the third highest rate of vehicle thefts according to the total number of vehicles registered in the state as provided by Statista.

For every 1,000 cars registered in California, 14 were stolen in 2022. That roughly equates to one in every 71 vehicles being stolen. California also has the highest total of stolen vehicles at 202,685 out of 14,268,528 registered vehicles. 

carVertical found that Colorado has the highest rate of vehicle thefts, for every 1,000 cars registered in Colorado, 28 were stolen in 2022. 

Washington and Missouri are the two states that had the joint second-highest rate of vehicle theft, with both states having a stolen vehicle rate of 15 per 1,000 registered vehicles.

Texas has the second highest number of vehicles stolen with 105,015, with a stolen vehicle rate per 1,000 registered vehicles of 13. 

The overall figure for 2022 in the 10 states where this crime was most prevalent saw on average a 13% increase in vehicle thefts compared to 2021. 

The top 10 states for vehicle theft 

StateTotal Number of Stolen VehiclesTotal Number of Registered VehiclesStolen vehicles per 1,000 registered vehicles
New York28,2923,112,0309

As for the specific car models most commonly stolen, the Chevrolet Pick-Up (Full Size) comes out on top with 48,206 thefts. That is closely followed by the Ford Pick-Up (Full Size), with 47,999 thefts. 

The Honda Civic and Honda Accord rank third and fourth recording 31,673 and 30,274 thefts respectively, while the Toyota Camry bottoms out the list with 17,270 thefts.

Pick-Up trucks have been the most stolen passenger vehicle for the last two years according to the most recent records that the National Insurance Crime Bureau has available. 

With vehicle theft on the rise so is the reselling of these stolen automobiles. A spokesperson from carVertical, a platform that is designed to prevent prospective buyers from purchasing a previously stolen vehicle, emphasized the importance of checking a vehicle’s history.

“The alarming spike in the number of car thefts makes it more important than ever for car buyers to perform a vehicle history check before making a purchase. Buyers can better protect themselves from potential fraud by examining a car’s past, including its ownership history, accident record, and whether or not it was previously reported stolen.”