Citing “an insurmountable financial hurdle,” the San Diego Opera’s Board of Directors voted Wednesday to fold next month, and CEO Chairwoman Karen Cohn said: “After 28 consecutive years of balanced budgets, it was clear that we could not continue.”

San Diego Opera promotion. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons
San Diego Opera promotion. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Opera CEO Ian Campbell said: “Although it is a sad day for San Diego culturally, we have to thank everyone who supported us for nearly 50 years. It is better to go out with dignity, on a high note with heads held high than to slip into the night, leaving creditors and community in the lurch.”

Here is a sampling of reaction via Twitter.

Do you share the concern of some that San Diego Opera was a cultural institution worth saving?

This is the fourth in a series of weekday polls in Times of San Diego. For earlier posts, visit Opinion.

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